
Deepak Kumar Ojha (Director)

Dear students, "You are the nation-builders. You are the movers of technology. You are the agents of change." It is our fervent hope that the time you spend at SITM would enable you to equip with leadership and managerial skills. The knowledge that you will gain, the fine qualities that you will imbibe and the technical skills that you will learn to apply will be your major contribution to your parents, to society, and to the nation. We invest our trust on you. You are our safe source and we bank all our efforts on you. We create not the future instead we craft you for the future. There are strong challenges to great efforts but, always remember, great effort bears the sweet fruit of success. We want you to taste the fruit of success once and for the rest of your life, you will never rest.
We do not simply teach you how to make a living instead; we prepare you how to live. In other words, we mould you as job providers and not as just job seekers. Our extra-curricular programs combined with academic syllabus makes sure that what we profess is achieved during your stay with us. We achieve what we boldly say by partnering with our students. Yes, students are our partners in our mission to make them entrepreneurs. Our main job is not to get them jobs instead; facilitate them to provide jobs.